Brazil Isn't Just Samba

"No one had prepared me for Sao Paulo, the third largest city in the world and my first uncovered gem of really really dope music. "

by Malu Marzarotto


At times there is no denying the fact that Brazil painfully lives up to its stereotypes. Soccer, caipirinhas, beans and rice, samba, and men in tight shirts plaster a nation corrupted by the government and blessed with mesmerizing beaches too perfect to be described. Throughout a three month exploration of my native country, these stereotypes could be met at any one bar while talking to any one person in any one place.

I had expected the typical Brazilian music genres such as samba, bossa nova, and sertanejo.

I had expected the juvenile sound of an accordion*, any other beach hotel elevator music, or the heavy rhythmic beats perfect for carnival.

It was what I knew from family.

It was all I knew period.

No one had prepared me for Sao Paulo, the third largest city in the world and my first uncovered gem of really really dope music.

My preconceived notions of Brazilian music were shattered to pieces and forever changed by introductions to brazilian styles such as MPB or Funk, as well as individual artists talented in their specific genres.

IF you want to hear some new music. . . IF you want to impress your local Hipsters *** with your ear for foreign music. . . IF you tried to go to but somehow ended up here...

Check out my Hidden Gems - Brazilian Edition playlist below.


*** Is it incorrect to capitalize Hipster? On my next show let me know***

****tbd when that even is.

Malu Marzarotto is host to Indoor Recess, A Novel on AROUSE Sundays from 1p-2p.